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Platelet-rich Plasma Treatment To Cure Symptomatic Cervical Ectopy and Chronic Vaginal Discharge


High exposure of cervical epithelium to estrogen causes a benign gynecological condition which is generally called a normal variant. This condition tends to occur among women during their reproductive phase. Improper genitalia hygiene, multiple sex partners, unprotected sex, Sexually transmitted diseases, prolonged vaginal discharge can lead to cervical ectopy. Pap screening or pelvic examinations are performed for earliest diagnosis of any aberrant symptoms. With Prolonged use of OCP’s, the body tends to react to high levels of estrogen secretion and possess non-cancerous cells. The cellular structure of the inner lining grows towards the outer surface, present as erosion of cervix and can be diagnosed through a proper speculum testing method.

Symptoms of cervical ectopy

The inflamed and raw vaginal areas are triggered during sexual intercourse in case of cervical ectopy and this causes “blood streak discharge”. Post- coital spotting and unexpected bleeding in between periods are common symptoms of cervical ectopy. The occurrence of bleeding often lasts up to 12 hours after intercourse. Prolonged history of vaginal discharge, chronic vaginal itching (Pruritis), non responding vaginal discharge leads to cervical erosion. Prolonged Bacterial vaginosis also irritates cervix leading to ectopy and unexpected bleeding from the area. In many cases, cervical ectopy becomes asymptomatic and routine check-up or smear tests helps in the identification of the disease. This type of condition also prevails among pregnant women due to high levels of hormonal secretion such as estrogen and progesterone. However, during pregnancy consulting gynecologists in case of any abnormal bleeding is highly recommended. Untreated cervical ectopy may lead to Cervical intraepithelial Neoplasia and even Cervical Cancer, in the long run.

The function of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

The adverse effect of laser treatment tends to be greater as compared to plasma-based tissue healing systems. A-granules are the storehouse of growth factors and the concentration of cytokines soars in individual platelet counts. The major types of growth factors in “Platelet-rich plasma” are as follows:
● “Platelet-derived growth factor”
● “Epidermal growth factor”
● “Platelet-derived angiogenic factor”
● “Transforming growth factor β”
● “Insulin-like growth factor”
● “Fibroblast growth factor”
● “Connective tissue growth factor”
● “Interleukin 8”
● “Vascular endothelial growth factor”

“Fibronectin, sphingosine 1-phosphate, and vitronectin” concentrations are also excessive in plasma-based platelets that commence wound healing. Different stages of tissue healing as stimulated by growth factors in the process of curing cervical ectopy are mentioned below:

“Cell proliferation and migration”
“Tissue necrosis resolution”
“Extracellular matrix synthesis”
“Cell regeneration”

According to a report, 93.7% of women are cured of cervical ectopy through the initiation of PRP treatments. In comparison to PRP, the healing rate among women for laser treatment is only 92.4%. Shorter re-epithelialization time is another benefit of PRP. Autologous PRP treatment is tremendously effective among women as it shortens the tissue healing time with no reactions at all.


The steps involved in the preparation process of PRP are discussed below:
● Collecting venous blood, of around 15-50 ml, in an anticoagulant tube
● Activation of platelets is prevented by maintaining a temperate zone of 21 to 24-degree celsius.
● The configuration rate and time duration of blood is 1,200 rpm and 12 minutes
● Blood is subdivided into three major parts such as plasma rich platelets, white blood cells, and red blood cells
● After re-centrifugation, the initial layers of plasma are discarded because of its lesser benefits and more reactions.
● The last step is to harmonize the plasma to create PRP for injection

Classification of PRP

The configuration process helps to generate four types of PRP such as “Leukocyte- and platelet-rich plasma, Leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin, Pure platelet-rich fibrin, and Pure platelet-rich plasma”. The “fibrin density” is high in “leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin” and “Pure platelet-rich fibrin” and low in “pure platelet-rich plasma and leukocyte- and platelet-rich plasma”. Leukocyte concentration also varies as per the plasma composition of different preparation groups. PRP has successfully replaced the usage of antibiotics in gynecologic or reproductive issues and is breakthrough treatment for Chronic and non responsive Vaginal discharge.

Benefits of PRP Treatment

At PCOSmetic Gyne Clinic, we are using combination of PRP and PRF, to obtain maximum benefits and it together with re-epithelization helps in vaginal remodeling and rejuvenation too. As prolonged vaginal discharge and itching causes vaginal tissue to become lustreless and tone less. So, cervix heals with help of stem cells from PRP and simultaneously vagina regains its elasticity, lustre and tone as well. Even stress urinary incontinence also get corrected to great extent by PRP treatment.

Thus, PRP and PRF therapy has much higher benefit- risk ratio and almost negligible side effects:
1. Re-epithelization of cervix, cures cervical erosion from grass root.
2. Treats chronic vaginal discharge and Pruritis
3. Vagina regains its elasticity, color, tone and lustre by remodeling of collagen fibers
4. Stem cells and growth factors present in PRP regenerate sex receptors of vaginal epithelium and G spot so orgasm is elevated
5. Stress urinary incontinence gets corrected.

In case of infection antibiotic only works as a blockage whereas, PRP eliminates inflammation at grass root level. Treatments of “gynecologic inflammation, chronic endocervicitis, exocervicitis, kraurosis vulvae, and cervical erosion” become easy due to PRP treatments. Gynecological diseases like endometriosis and endometritis distort the process of implantation of embryos in the case of natural or in Vitro fertilization. Improvement in the quality and quantity of eggs is also possible with the injection of PRP. The secretion of progesterone is regulated and swollen lines of the uterus can be avoided with the help of PRP. Cervical Ectopy can easily be cured with the help of PRP with re-epithelization. The side effects like vaginal discharge or bleeding remain under control in PRP treatments.

Symptoms related to cervical ectopy that requires further diagnosis

Cervical cancer also has symptoms related to vaginal itching, unnecessary bleeding, and stinky discharge. A reddish cervical area also indicates “Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia” which is way too alarming. Infections, multiple partners, unsafe sex hygiene or UTIs can also cause cervical ectopy. Vulvovaginitis is another disease with similar symptoms to ectopy.


The cervical ectopy can be treated with both laser and PRP measures. The adverse side effect of PRP is a miser in comparison to antibiotic or laser usage. Proper diagnosis through pap screening or pelvic examination is important in this condition.