1 in 5 women affected by PCOS in India! The increasing trend of PCOS is predominantly seen in the age group 15 to 30 years. Among the samples tested East India shows alarming levels of 25.88% women affected by PCOS, followed by 18.62% in North India. PCOS is becoming ‘Epidemic’ in Bangalore city which is labelled as ‘PCOS Capital’ due to lifestyle that people have adopted. In India the prevalence of PCOS is reported between 3.7- 22.5% with 9.13-36% prevalence in only adolescents.
The results from the patients revealed the common symptom of irregular menstruation which was followed by the appearance of cutaneous manifestations viz, acne, hirsuitism and obesity. The irregular menstruation is the earliest clinical manifestation of adolescent PCOS.
Obesity is a growing concern followed by unhealthy eating habits, sleep patterns, peer pressure, being conscious of one’s appearance, mood swings and lifestyle changes. Undiagnosed and Chronic PCOS can lead to infertility and in long term can cause several health complications. Early diagnosis and treatment can help control the symptoms and prevent health related problems. Today a lot of young women are aware of the condition and seek medical help.
What is PCOS? PCOS is a common, heterogeneous and heritable disorder affecting women throughout their lifetime. It is a common misconception that PCOS is all about cysts but it is in fact a characteristic amalgamation of cosmetic, reproductive and metabolic symptoms. Genetic and environmental factors play important role in the pathogenesis of PCOS.
Cosmetic symptoms include facial hair, thinning of the scalp, acne and visceralobesity.
Reproductive symptoms include irregular or scanty periods which are usually the first red flag in adolescents. Infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss affects the women in the reproductive age.
Metabolic symptoms- Common finding includes insulin resistance and hyper-insulinemia, which increases the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Chronic and undiagnosed PCOS in older women could even lead to cancer of the uterus due to unopposed raised estrogen. Hence it is important to manage the symptom along with proper diet and exercise. The first step in managing PCOS is the awareness and accurate diagnosis. The second step includes Life style Management.
PCOS is characterized by hyperandrogenism, ovulatory dysfunction and polycystic ovaries. Diagnosis is made on clinical examination followed by host of blood tests including serum testosterone, blood sugar, insulin, FSH, LH, 17OHP, DHEAS. USG pelvis is performed to look for the appearance of ovaries which displays typical “Necklace pattern” of cysts in the PCOS patient. Thus, presence of two of the features among clinical/ biochemical hyperandrogenism, ovulatory dysfunction and polycystic ovaries confirms the diagnosis of PCOS.
Following Yogasanas are helpful in PCOS patients:
BUTTERFLY POSE: Do not flap your legs too much. Try to hold the posture for as long as possible.
RECLINING BUTTERFLY POSE (Supta Badhakonasana)- Do butterfly pose in lying down position. Use cushions under hips for beginners. This is quite relaxing asana.
BHARADVAJASANA (Bhardvaja’s Twist)- is a seated spinal twist that helps PCOS patients.
CHAKKI CHALANASANA (Moving the Grinding Wheel) is a very simple exercise with several benefits. It helps massage the liver, kidneys, pancreas, uterus and the reproductive organs.
SHAVASANA (CORPSE POSE) is another useful posture to try. In PCOS, the more you relax, the better you feel. This posture will help you completely relax at the end of your yoga session.
PADMA SADHANA PRACTICE and Meditation is also considered very effective for PCOS patients.
Diet tips you need to understand to lose more weight in PCOS patient
1. Eat breakfast within one hour of waking up and have it as largest meal of the day. With sunrise, metabolism peaks and cells demand nutrition after overnight fasting of 10-12 hours, so take advantage!
2. Never have Coffee/Tea/Green Tea on empty stomach as caffeine decrease metabolism. (can have them after breakfast)
3. After workout take food with high GI and rich in protein so as to provide nutrition for repair of muscles. (Muscle mass wasted in absence of nutrition post workout)
4. To keep metabolism at fast pace, keep eating small portions every 2-3 hours.
5. Take desert as a whole meal, and not post-meal or post-sunset when metabolism slows down
6. Eat Dinner between 6:00-6:30 pm in evening as post sunset metabolism slows down and for late night dinners, cells do not burn food and store it completely in form of fat.
7. Avoid electronic gadgets while eating and focus on colour, texture, smell and taste of food, so as to assimilate it completely.
8. Aim to lose 5% of your weight so as to restore spontaneous cycles and ovulation.
For more understanding on principles of ‘clean eating’; visit www.drshraddhapcosclinic.com/nutrition.
Remember PCOS is not a disease, only a disorder. On the bright side, statistically 20% of women, who have polycystic ovaries, may not have problems in ovulating or conceiving. Also with help of ovulation medication nearly 60-70% women will achieve ovulation and 40% of them will conceive over the first 3 attempts.
For more information visit:www.drshraddhapcosclinic.com