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We Treat Global Epidemic of ‘HER WITH PCOS’ Celebrate your life with PCOS
Cosmetic Gynecology
Share Positive Intimacy and Rediscover The Beauty Of your Body

About Dr. Shraddha Goel
Dr.Shraddha Goel, MS DNB, FICOG is the head and Director of PCOSmetic Gyne Clinic, Jaipur. After more than 16 years of vast experience in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology,in various cities of India; she has started this clinic at Jaipur to provide sophisticated, cost effective & world class services to women with PCOS and novel solutions for Full Body Enhancement. She is among the few gynecologists in Jaipur who deals exclusively with correlating super specialities of Gyne-Endocrinology and Cosmetic Gynecology.
She has profound experience in the treatment of Gyne-endocrinological disorders like PCOS, Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, Thyroid- dysfunction, Pre-mature Ovarian failure, Primary/Secondary Amenorrhea, Sexual dysfunction, Vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, Beast Fibroadenosis and Menopausal symptoms..
Dr.Goel has extensive experience in Gyne-Cosmetic surgeries,like Vaginoplasty, Hymenoplasty, Vaginal rejuvenation, Labiaplasty, Breast sagging and Breast Augmentation. She deals with patients of Infertility with a unique step-wise approach and performs Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy; as Fertility Enhancing Surgeries. Being a PCOS specialist, she has started the first specialized clinic “PCOS Clinic” in Rajasthan and provides PCOS treatment with an entirely different and integrated approach.
Doctor’s Message
The Endocrinological Disorder of PCOS is characterized by Reduction in All Reproductive Performances and brings Apathy to Every Age group Female. Extra Vigilance, Tender Care & Best Approach, Makes us Able to BEAT PCOS in Adolescence, Motherhood and even beyond till Menopause!!
Dr.Shraddha Goel (M.S. DNB FICOG)
Dr.Shraddha’s PCOSmetic Gyne Clinic, Jaipur,India.
Dr. Shraddha's PCOS and Cosmetic Gynecology Clinic in Jaipur
PCOSMETIC Gyne Clinic is an advanced unit of Sanjeevani Hospital, Mansarovar dedicated to PCOS and Cosmetic Gynecology. Dr.Shraddha Goel, with an ‘Out of the Box’ vision of doing something innovative for the female section of our society; left her secure job from SMS Medical College and independently developed one of its own kind, “First Specialized PCOS and Cosmetic Gynecology Clinic” in Rajasthan. She is determined to provide world class services to every female with PCOS, so she can overcome her fears and anxiety related to the disorder and speak loud and clear her apprehensions, and learn to discover a ‘New Version of Herself’.
Similarly, in the field of Intimate Aesthetic Surgery we are dedicated to follow & understand off- the shelf demands of every female and tailor the cosmetic genitalia surgeries as per aesthetic needs of every lady which is different for everyone, so uniquely designed by our board certified Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon in Jaipur, Dr. Sourabh Rawat & Cosmetic Gynecologist, Dr.Shraddha Goel.
Dr. Shraddha’s PCOSMETIC GYNE Clinic, was found by a team of highly qualified and best Gynecologist, Reproductive Endocrinologist, Infertility Specialist & Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon and is distinguished by the highest quality of personalized care, commitment to patient confidentiality and safety, and promising results that encompass the entire syndrome of PCOS and Full Body Enhancement.
PCOSMETIC Gyne Clinic is the best gynecology hospital in Jaipur which offers homely comfort and beautiful ambiance from the very moment you enter into our facilities and throughout the entire length of your stay. Our Aim is to provide Complete Reproductive, Cosmetic and Fertility care to each and every female under one roof. We serve patients from all across India and the globe through personal interaction, telephonic conversation and an e-mail.
Dr. Shraddha Goel and Dr. Sourabh Rawat with their team of professionals, follow evidence based medicine and adopt scientific approach for every patient so as to provide best gynecological & cosmetic services in Jaipur.
What Do We Do

Treat Global Epidemic of ‘HER WITH PCOS’
Novel Solutions to the complex disorder of PCOS is our Idea. Accurate Diagnosis can provide Timely Interventions to Check the Long term Health Consequences of PCOS. Scientific & Integrated Management Approach as drawn by our Multidisciplinary team creates so many Happy Stories for ‘YOU & US’. Biochemical Markers & Ultrasonography at best time !!

Restore Your Intimacy
Enhance your Self- Confidence with Intimate Aesthetic Surgery. Look more Natural and Youthful. Share Positive Intimacy with your Partner. Shape Yourself with Creative & Perfect Techniques.

PCOS is the leading cause of Infertility. Brings Psychological turmoil to HER with PCOS. We Follow the most Sophisticated Approach as after Optimizing PCOS only, we provide Specialized and Holistic Management for Infertility; under one Roof !

Contribution is Revolutionary. We own Complete Armamentarium in Laparoscopy and

Full Body Enhancement by Innovative Perfect Techniques!!
Highest quality of Personalised Cosmetic Care.
We help you to attain your self esteem Now.
Shape yourself Today with Best Mommy-makeover in Town!!

Breast Cosmesis
Achieve Perfection and Feel Complete through Best of Breast Cosmetic Surgeries.
Breast Implants, Breast Augmentation and Breast Reduction in Best Hands!!
PCOS Treatment In Jaipur
A woman is an extraordinary and beautiful creation of nature,and it is natural that she would want to see herself as perfect and complete.
But, PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is the pathology of ovaries which alters her metabolism and disturbs her hormonal balance leading to impairment of reproductive, metabolic functions and even her fertility and child bearing. Moreover, the metabolic syndrome of PCOS causes body-shaming too. Excess of male hormones in the body leads to excess facial and body hair, acne, baldness, truncal -obesity, black pigmentation on the nape of neck, legs, underarms. These alterations in one’s body image leads to breakdown of her self-esteem.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) affects almost 1 in 10 women, also it has different symptoms in different women. Some of the common symptoms are irregular periods, excess body or facial hair, acne and obesity . It may also lead to depression, difficulty in getting pregnant, predisposition to diabetes, cardiovascular, endometrial cancer and other long-term female health problems.Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) has emerged as a Global Epidemic over a few decades. PCOS is a common hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age. Women with PCOS usually have irregular or prolonged menstrual periods and excess male hormone (androgen) levels. Their ovaries may have numerous small collections of fluid (follicles) and fail to release eggs in a regular fashion.
The exact cause of PCOS is not known. Early and accurate diagnosis and correct treatment along with weight loss and exercise help to decrease the risk of long-term complications such as diabetes and heart disease.
Our Gynecologist & PCOS Specialist offers an integrated approach to treating polycystic ovarian syndrome.Patient sees a Multidisciplinary team of specialists in Reproductive- Endocrinology, Infertility specialist, Cosmetologist, Physician, Nutrition, Physiotherapy, Life-style management and Psychology. We work together with each patient for a better individualized treatment plan which is best for her. We are also developing a psycho-educational group, exercise program series and genetic counselling cell for women who would like to improve their lives.
In nutshell, under one roof we serve the systematic platters for the patients of PCOS since her Adolescence to her motherhood and even beyond that, till her menopause; so she can restore her Perfection and Completeness.
Why Choose us
Multidisciplinary Team with Divergent Thinking & Novel Solutions to PCOS & Intimate Aesthetic Surgery.
Easily Accessible at Peaceful Location Amidst Vast Greenery with High Quality Air Index!!

One Stop Solution To PCOS
Gynecologist, Cosmetic Surgeon, Nutritionist, Psychologist work as a dedicated unit to give you out of the box results with heterogeneous disorder of PCOS, at a single stop.

From Adolescence, Infertility, Delivery to Motherhood and beyond till Menopause…Celebrate Your Life with Us! We are Bound to Care for YOU for LIFETIME !!

We have a perfect team of highly qualified Cosmetic Gynecologist and Plastic surgeons to give you the Most enhancing, functional & creative results in Cosmetic Gynecological surgeries & Mummy Makeover !!

Accurate Timely Diagnosis with Advanced Serial Sonography, Endoscopy, & Holistic management to your Cosmetic, Fertility and Reproductive queries.

We are equipped with Advanced Fertility Techniques for Infertile couples with laparoscopy ,Hysteroscopy, IUI and IVF. Designing a Scientific approach to every patient by a Fertility Specialist is our unique feature.

For your Cosmetic Enhancement, We are a Single Stop well equipped center with Medical & Surgical expertise seasoned with utmost affection!


Intimate Aesthetic Surgery demands confidentiality which is our firstmost priority.
What does PCOS mean?
PCOS means polycystic ovarian syndrome. PCOS is the pathology of ovaries in which multiple eggs are formed which leads to formation of multiple cysts, get arranged peripherally in ovaries. It is a heterogeneous and heritable disorder which causes reproductive, metabolic and hormonal disturbance in the females.
Does PCOS affect fertility?
PCOS is the leading cause of infertility. It is solely responsible for 40% cause of Anovulation hence female infertility. Insulin resistance plays crucial role in the pathogenesis of PCOS which is responsible for androgen excess and leads to anovulation hence infertility.
If fertility can be achieved in patients with PCOS?
Remember PCOS is not a disease, only a disorder. On the bright side, statistically 20% of women, who have polycystic ovaries, may not have problems in ovulating or conceiving. Also, with help of ovulation medication nearly 60-70% women will achieve ovulation and 40% of them will conceive over the first 3 attempts.
Is there a cure for PCOS?
PCOS presents with an array of symptoms which may vary from person to person. There is a cure for PCOS, provided early diagnosis is made together with implementation of proper integrated approach personalised according to symptoms of patient.
How is PCOS diagnosed?
PCOS is diagnosed if two features are positive out of following three:
1.Clinical features/ biochemical hyper-androgenemia (male hormone excess) like weight gain, acne, excess facial hair, irregular menses, scanty/heavy menses, baldness, hair fall, inability to conceive etc.
- Oligo- Ovulation / Anovulation
- Ultrasound appearance of ovaries with multiple cysts arranged peripherally in necklace pattern.
What are the health risks for women with PCOS?
PCOS can present with long term health risks like Type 2 diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Hyper-lipidemia, Atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, stroke and even Endometrial Cancer in long run, if syndrome is left untreated.
Are treatments available for women with PCOS?
Yes, treatment of PCOS focus on managing your concerns. First line management is Lifestyle Modification so as to enhance your insulin sensitivity. Medication is focused on increasing your insulin sensitivity and correcting the hormonal disturbance. Then Cosmetic, reproductive or metabolic disturbances are taken care of as per patient requirement.
Can PCOS be cured permanently?
PCOS is a disorder of ovaries (not a disease) which is in-built and heritable so its control and reversal is possible. Complete cure is possible for any disease which happens in lifetime. Its reversal for lifetime requires more of the patient dedication and understanding of the cause of her own disease. Our PCOS specialist tries to involve patient actively in formulating her diet and exercise modification and explain the action of medicines. We have a very peculiar way of treating PCOS. We help our patients to understand the pathogenesis of their disease and once they understand it, they are far more capable to control such a nuisance of PCOS which is known to remain otherwise, for lifetime.
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